We mourn the loss of Reinhard Jung

We bid a grateful and sad farewell to our long-standing Chairman and benefactor Reinhard Jung. He passed away on July 24, 2024.

Prior to his involvement in the schwelle Foundation, Reinhard Jung studied theology and history and headed the Protestant Church Educational Service (Bildungswerk der Evangelischen Kirche) and the Church Service in the Working World (Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt) in Bremen. He was particularly interested in considering socio-political issues from the perspective of Christian faith and finding socio-political and practical diaconal answers to the challenges faced by, in particular, impoverished classes and the socially declassed. His work was characterized by the fact that he did not give in when existing structures or prevailing opinions stood in the way of possible changes. He initiated projects for the unemployed and founded the Ecumenical Initiative for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (Ökumenische Initiative für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Bewahrung der Schöpfung).

Together with his wife Wiebke Jung, he also brought these perspectives to the schwelle Foundation, which they joined in 1994 as founders and members of the board of trustees and board of directors. He increased support for local social projects in Bremen. He was also personally committed to historical peace research and the promotion of international projects at grassroots level. His aim was to honor the many committed projects and persons, which are often too little recognized by the public, on a large scale. For this we owe him the initiation of the Bremen International Peace Award.

Reinhard Jung had the gift of inspiring people in his environment to become involved in relevant social and political issues and to take concrete action. And he took up important ideas with the committed people in schwelle's partner projects and campaigned for their support.

We mourn him, who developed the schwelle Foundation into an important pillar of peace work with great commitment and a big heart, and we remember his persistent work for peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Hannes Menke




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schwelle Foundation
Wachmannstrasse 79
D-28209 Bremen
Tel: +49 - (0)421 - 3032-575

> stiftung[at]dieschwelle.de

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