In 2018, the Protestant Church in Baden published the scenario "Rethinking Security": the scenario invites us to think about a future in which an exit from military "peacekeeping" to a transformation into a purely civilian security policy could succeed. The scenario was developed on behalf of the Protestant Regional Church in Baden by a working group with representatives of various nationwide peace organisations.
The scenario "Rethinking Security" is based on the reports of the German government on the implementation of the action plan "Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding". The scenario shows how the diverse approaches for a civil security policy that already exist could be consistently expanded in the future. The scenario describes concrete milestones as a possible path to implementation. (see the scenario at with some information also in English: )
In the meantime, in addition to the schwelle, many well-known organisations such as Church & Peace, pax christi, IPPNW, Forum Friedensethik, DFG VK and others are working in the nationwide network. The network Rethinking Security has drawn attention to itself with campaigns, events, conferences and training courses, especially since Russia's attack on Ukraine: for example, in 2022 with the campaign: 10% for Civil. All members of the German Bundestag were asked to allocate 10% of the so-called special funds for the Bundeswehr to civil conflict transformation. It is encouraging that under the umbrella of "Rethinking Security" there is also a group of young people (Peace for Future) who offer special campaigns and training for young people on peace education.
Currently, Europe is reacting to the security challenges with significant increases in its military budgets and a bellicose foreign policy. But sustainable security can only be guaranteed with the help of diplomacy and through economic development prospects for the EU's neighbouring states.
Regardless of the legitimacy of self-defence as a response to the Russian war of aggression, however, the question remains open as to which scenarios are conceivable to end the armed conflicts and find ways of understanding. Without formulating ready-made and final answers, it is a matter of promoting a perspective and policy among all those directly and indirectly involved that leads out of military confrontation and develops a logic of peace for our country.
The schwelle Foundation organises expert discussions and information events with this goal in mind.