Networking, Training and Research

Project Work in Bremen and other Regions of Germany

As a Bremen foundation for peace the schwelle fosters activities for justice and peace in the region Bremen and cooperates with other organizations in Germany.

There has been particularly close cooperation for many years between the association gewaltfrei handeln, which trains peace workers, and the schwelle Foundation. In the network Rethinking Security, die schwelle is committed to peace logic and non-violent solutions in conflicts. In the European network Church and Peace we work internationally with many others on peace and reconciliation. We support historical peace research in order to draw lessons from the past for present conflicts.

Project Partner in Germany

Rethinking Security - A Disarmament Scenario

In 2018, the Protestant Church in Baden published the scenario "Rethinking Security": the scenario invites us to think about a future in which an exit…


gewaltfrei handeln: Education in Nonviolent Conflict Processing

What do two lawyers, a bio farmer, a teacher and a deacon have in common? They all visited seminars of the Association gewaltfrei handeln – living…


Church & Peace: A Network for Peace and Reconciliation

Church & Peace is a Europe-wide network made up of over fifty groups, located in fourteen countries and representing ten denominations and Christian…



Please support the work of schwelle Foundation with your donation!

Your Contact Person

Petra Titze
Managing Director

+49 - (0)421 - 30 32 - 577




Bank details

IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 4028 9726 00
GLS Bank

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schwelle Foundation
Wachmannstrasse 79
D-28209 Bremen
Tel: +49 - (0)421 - 3032-575

> stiftung[at]

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