Nonviolent for Peace

Projekt Work in Israel and Palestine

The current conflict in the Middle East is also characterized by a very unequal distribution of power and distrust between both governments as well as the people of Israel and Palestine. The conflict situation is marked by escalation, which results from the vicious circle of violence. This causes and leads to even more violence on both sides. Members of the Israeli and Palestinian societies only assume they know each other well, but it is their respective prejudices of the “other” guiding them and therefore actually leading to more mutual distrust.

Frustration and depression, aggression and fear are omnipresent and paralyze local peace initiatives. The insurmountable wall and innumerable checkpoints that divide the country and prevent mutual contact and the increasing number of extremists in Israel and Palestine: All these problems demand firm political action, especially from non-government, grass-roots actors mediating between the parties of conflict.

As part of its ongoing commitment to deal with German historic responsibility, the schwelle Foundation supports non-violent and peace promoting initiatives in Israel and Palestine. It also facilitates encounters and cross border dialogue with committed people from Germany, Israel and Palestine. The Foundation is regarded as trustworthy by Palestinian as well as Israeli peace organizations – it proved to be a reliable partner and mediator in conflict resolution processes.

Project Partners in the Middle East

Combatants for Peace: There is another way in Palestine and Israel

In 2006, Palestinian and Israeli former combatants laid down their arms and founded Combatants for Peace (CfP). Since then, CfP members have shared a…


News from the Middle East

Inhabited Spaces: Exhibition opening by Anette Klasing

22.03. At the opening of the exhibition “Inhabited Spaces - Bewohnte Räume”, Anette Klasing, Chairwoman of the Board of the schwelle Foundation, gave…


Opening speech by Viola Raheb

22.03. At the opening of the exhibition “Inhabited Spaces”, the Palestinian scholar Viola Raheb held the following speech.



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Tel: +49 - (0)421 - 3032-575

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