Project Partner Combatants for Peace

Disturbing the Peace

In a world torn apart by conflict - in a place where the idea of peace has been abandoned - former Israeli soldiers and Palestinian fighters work together non-violently.

Disturbing the Peace is about people who were born into conflict, who swore to be enemies and who challenged their destiny.

Combatants for Peace

Projekt Partner Church and Peace

Pathways to Peace

Lydia Funck, former General Secretary of schwelle project partner Church and Peace, was interviewed for the "Pathways to Peace" initiative of the Conference of European Churches on the question of how religions can contribute to peace.

Church and Peace


Project Partners of schwelle Foundation

Project partners of schwelle Foundation

The project partners of schwelle Foundation work worldwide for peace and justice. In a short video they send their greetings and present their work.


Project Partner PEA Projet Espérance Afrique

2023 World Peace Day activities

On September 21, the UN World Day of Peace, the schwelle partner project PEA (Projet Espérance Afrique) in Togo, organised various activities to highlight the power of non-violence.
PEA - Projet Espérance Afrique

Project Partners of schwelle Foundation

2023 Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony

The annual Joint Memorial Ceremony of Combatants for Peace and Parents Circle brings together thousands of people from both societies to commemorate the many victims on both sides with speeches, poetry and music.

Combatants for Peace


Project Partner Combatants for Peace

2023 Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony

Rana Salman, Executive Director of Combatants for Peace, Palestine, shares her personal story, more detail on the Nakba and the Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony.

Combatants for Peace


Project Partner No Name Kitchen

What the hell is No Name Kitchen?

No Name Kitchen supports People on the Move stranded at the EU's external borders.

No Name Kitchen


Project Partner Colectivo de Mujeres

Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa in Nicaragua

Since the 1980s, women from the Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa have been supporting girls and women in the rural regions of Matagalpa in Nicaragua. In the video, the schwelle partner organization reports on its work (in Spanisch).

Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa

Project Partner Colectivo de Mujeres

Por los caminos de la vida

Un homenaje a las parteras de Matagalpa - Nicaragua

Las parteras tradicionales de las regiones rurales de Nicaragua aprenden sus habilidades de sus madres y abuelas, a menudo sin formación médica. Con compromiso, empatía y muchos conocimientos ancestrales, atienden a las mujeres embarazadas en lugares donde no hay posibilidad de acudir a médicos y hospitales. El Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa, proyecto asociado a la Fundación die schwelle, refuerza a las mujeres en su trabajo y las apoya con formación continua.

Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa



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schwelle Foundation
Wachmannstrasse 79
D-28209 Bremen
Tel: +49 - (0)421 - 3032-575

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