In November 2021 the schwelle Foundation will confer for the ninth time the International Bremen Peace Award for exemplary commitments to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. Proposals should be submitted, in English, German French or Spanish, by December 20, 2020.
The award is given with the aim of honouring people and organizations that set an example through their work contributing to reconciliation, human rights, overcoming of racism, social justice, sustainable handling of nature and environment as well as to intercultural and interreligious understanding.
Patron of the Bremen Peace Award is Bremen’s former mayor Karoline Linnert.
The Peace Prize is awarded in three categories:
This award goes to dedicated individuals and their projects, with special emphasis on future-oriented peace work at the grassroots level; for example, striving for peace in forgotten conflicts, struggling for the rights of marginalized people, or fighting against habitat destruction.
This award goes to renowned public figures that persistently and courageously support Peace, Justice, and the Integrity of Creation, be it in international networks or in different areas of society, such as media, arts, sciences or politics.
This award goes to initiatives or organizations that do especially creative, exemplary or sustainable peace work.
From the nominations received, the schwelle Foundation will prepare a shortlist from which the donators will chose the award-winning initiative. Thus everybody, by means of a donation to the foundation, may participate in the election.
Further information you'll find here: Award of the Donors
The award winners will be honoured during a public ceremony at the Bremen Town Hall in November 2021. The awards are endowed with 5,000 Euros in each category.
Proposals for the Bremen Peace Award should be submitted by third parties or organizations. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Please send your proposals with the following documentation:
If you wish to submit additional information, please enclose them as annex. We will contact you in case further clarification or more information is needed.
Proposals should be submitted by December 20, 2020 in English, German, French or Spanish to:
or to
Ms. Petra Titze, Stiftung die schwelle,
Wachmannstr. 79, D-28209, Bremen, Germany.
For further information: petra.titze(at)
or Petra Titze: 0049-421-3032577.
IBAN: DE 45 2903 0400 0000 0942 93
Bank: Bankhaus Carl F. Plump