Roswitha Jarman holds a deep belief in our healing, divine side, in our working for Peace she shows us a way to gain an understanding of ourselves as part of a whole, which lends dignity to every human being and every creature. Her path through life gives us courage to believe in the power of small steps and to begin taking them again and again.
Based on an incentive by local doctors and teachers, the NGO Agency of Rehabilitation and Development (ARD-DENAL) was founded in Chechenya in 1995, with the support of churches in the Netherlands. In 1996, at the request of the NGOs, Roswitha Jarman, along with a female doctor from Grosny, formed a group of therapists who look after war-affected children.
Roswitha Jarman is a trainer in conflict matters and trauma work. In this capacity, she gives of her knowledge and experience of life to work with doctors, teachers and students on matters of conflict transformation and to support the work of non-governmental organisations such as DENAL. She travels back and forth between the battlefronts and talks to people in population groups in conflict with one another. To her, as a peace expert who is an outsider, it is a matter of attentive, active listening, which restores people’s dignity, so that they learn to get a handle on what they have experienced, so that they can then themselves decide what has to be done.
With her deep belief in our healing, divine side, in our working for Peace she shows us a way to gain an understanding of ourselves as part of a whole, which lends dignity to every human being and every creature. Her path through life gives us courage to believe in the power of small steps and to begin taking them again and again. The dignity and beauty of the women with whom she works shines through the reports of her work for Peace in the Northern Caucasus. These reports allow us to participate in Roswitha Jarman’s encounters in Chechenya, Ossetia and Ingushetia; at the same time, they are an impressive encounter with Roswitha Jarman herself.