Statement of the Israeli-Palestinian movement Combatants for Peace

June 2021: In recent weeks and months, Israel and Palestine have once again been the scene of the most serious violent clashes, with more than 250 people killed. The rocket fire from Gaza into the Israeli heartland and the bombardment of the Israeli army in Gaza were preceded by violent conflicts in East Jerusalem between right-wing settlers and Palestinian residents. Our partners 'Combatants for Peace' made an urgent call to stop the killing and start negotiations. They also gave many interviews to European media and made clear again and again that there is 'another way', that Israelis and Palestinians can very well live side by side in peace in one country. In the meantime, a cease-fire has been reached, but the occupation and the conflicts continue.

"The Israeli-Palestinian movement "Combatants for Peace (CFP)" condemns violence in Israel and Palestine, especially when it is directed against civilians.

The causes of the current conflict lie in the ongoing occupation, systematic oppression and disenfranchisement of Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. The current eviction of Palestinians in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah is only the most recent example. The Human Rights Watch recently noted in a report that in some areas under Israeli occupation, "disenfranchisement goes so far as to amount to crimes against humanity in the sense of apartheid and persecution."

As former combatants, we know that violence only leads to more violence, murder only leads to more murder, and hate only fuels more hate. We demand an end to this violence immediately!

However, this can only succeed if at the same time the conditions that give rise to the violence are addressed. We stress once again: it is necessary to end the Israeli occupation in all its forms, to work towards a sustainable partnership between the nations in the region, and to create a hopeful perspective for all who live here between the river and the sea.

We call on the international community to impose sanctions on Israeli and Palestinian individuals who bear responsibility for actions that threaten the peace, security, and stability of the region, including war crimes and widespread acts of violence.

There is another way, if only we have the courage to take it."

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