Wolfgang Kessler heads the "Politics and Society" department of the magazine "Publik Forum". The unmistakable socio-ethical profile of this astoundingly successful press project, in the cause of "justice, peace and integrity of creation" is not least due to his work.
Wolfgang Kessler, who was influenced in his youth by the Bund der katholischen Jugend (Catholic Youth Association), is notable for his high degree of professional competence in economic and socio-political questions. He combines this knowledge with a distinctive socio-ethical orientation and the talent of being able to explain and elaborate the most complicated facts. Added to that he displays an untiring personal dedication to "New ways to more justice – against the division of society", as one of his lectures last year was called.
Through his work at "Publik Forum" and his extensive lecture activities in church congregations and in other places – naturally at the 2007 "Kirchentag" in Cologne too – Kessler reaches many people and lets them reflect. Besides that he has also been prominent since the 1980s as the author of many pertinent works. Particularly well-known is his book "Worldquake. Ways out of the globalisation trap". The book first appeared in 2002, then in 2004 in an extended edition and is now in its seventh edition in 2007.
As in many of his lectures, Kessler attempts in this book not to get bogged down in the criticism of the globalised economy. His agenda is about finding "ways out". He doesn't just show us the effects of neo-liberal politics, warts and all, but also demonstrates positive approaches which should be followed. He pleads for an economic and political globalisation that serves the people, in particular the poor. That is too sophisticated for many globalisation critics, but this realistic approach encourages the reader: there are not just theoretical, but also practical ways out of the current situation – towards a humane future.