Home Press Press Images Peace Award 2021
The copyright belongs to the schwelle, a use of the images is only allowed for news purposes.
Jacqueline Flory: Grassroots Peace Worker
Jacqueline Flory: Grassroots Peace Worker Lessons in the tent school in Lebanon
Clemens Ronnefeldt: Peace Ambassador in Public Life (in dialogue with Bishop Dr. Eli Hadad in Beirut)
Clemens Ronnefeldt: Peace Ambassador in Public Life Interview with Malina Stutz and Jürgen Kaiser, Erlassjahr.de, on the topic of "debt relief", April 2020
Lesvos Solidarity: Award of the Donors for Encouraging Initiatives
Petra Titze Managing Director
Phone: +49 - (0)421 - 30 32 - 577
E-mail: petra.titze@dieschwelle.de