Event: Those who want peace, make peace

Those who want peace, make peace - Nonviolence as a contribution of civil society to peace.

The event will take place as a hybrid in the Bremen Town Hall and as a video conference.

Violence, wars and armament dominate foreign policy. What are the perspectives of non-violent strategies before, during and after violent conflicts? How do peace researchers and activists assess the potential of conflict transformation to avoid violence?
Dr Andreas Bovenschulte as President of the Bremen Senate, the schwelle Foundation and the ecumenical network Church and Peace invite you to a panel discussion on these questions.

  • Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte President of the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Mayor for Peace
  • Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach Political scientist and peace researcher, winner of the Göttingen Peace Prize 2023. She published a book entitled: "Understanding Peace Logic" in 2022.
  • Otto Raffai Peace activist from the peace organisation RAND (Regional Address for Nonviolent Action) from Croatia RAND
  • Rana Salman from Bethlehem from the Combatants for Peace
  • Mirka Hurter from 'Peace for Future' (Youth Forum of the Network Rethinking Security)

Please register by September 10, 2023, indicating whether you wish to be present digitally or in person, to: info[at]dieschwelle.de

Supported by Engagement Global with funds from the BMZ.


Venue: Bremen Town Hall and Online
Date: 21.09.2023
Time: 5pm
Host: Bremen Senate | schwelle Foundation | Church and Peace




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D-28209 Bremen
Tel: +49 - (0)421 - 3032-575

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